Oct 26, 2011

Snow Day at Crow Valley

The unexpected SNOW DAY led me out to Crow Valley. So many flocks of birds circling around in the snowy skies on the way in, I figured I'd find at least someone.... Initially silent, except for the ever-so-often crashing down of tree limbs and plop of falling snow.

The first inhabitant, from off in the distance, proved mammal:

One of a bunch, and pretty irritated with my intrusion.

Next up, a less concerned Downy.

I plodded along (and I do mean plodded) figuring I'd find at least some juncos...

Again, seemingly not too impressed with my presence!

A scruffy-looking goldfinch.

and one of several raptor flyovers.

A time and a half around and I was pooped! I rested under the covered picnic tables 
to gather energy for the trek back to the car. :)

"Gosh that flicker's making funny noises!" "Hey, you're no flicker!"

It's that Red-bellied Woodpecker...last seen in Central Park, NY.... Another 
reminder that laziness is sometimes rewarded!

Goose doing their usual, serenade me as I exit.

1 comment:

Connie said...

I love going to campgrounds in the winter. Feels like wilderness. Looks like you had a nice time.