Apr 3, 2011

Spring on it's Way (Despite the Snow)

Even though I spent most of yesterday at school, I managed to find nice outside moments both before and after. In the morning, I walked around Riverbend Ponds and after school I went over to Lower Latham in search of Short-earred Owls.

Lots of ducks at Riverbend, these being the resident Ring-necked Ducks. Also present:
American Widgeon, Gadwall, Cinnamon Teal, Blue-winged Teal and one more (see below.)

First surprise of the morning went like this: "Well that looks like one of those Pigeon-
deterrent plastic Great-horned Owls....but there wouldn't be one of those here...." Okay, I've 
been a little sleepy lately.

A Mallard for the silhouette group.

Next lovely surprise of the morning: Wood Ducks in trees. Just a couple of
weeks ago we saw a pair from a distance on Connie's Loveland walk and I 
couldn't wait to someday get to see them a little closer....Hmmmmm

Not-so-shy Widgeon.

Beautiful little Blue-winged Teal.

After a couple of hours wait, sadly no Short-earred Owls at Latham. (Alas this night time 
owling is not really for me...) However, the third lovely surprise of the day:
Sandhill Cranes, maybe on their way to Nebraska? and I didn't even have to drive
to Monte Vista. :)

1 comment:

DaveABirding said...

Wood ducks in the woods! Nice sight.